Givi kaatumaraudat ylä CRF1100L AFRICA TWIN (20)

Honda CRF1100L Africa Twin (20 > 21)
Tuotekoodi: 324-TNH1179
Tulosta: Iso | Pieni
Ei tällä hetkellä saatavilla.
Kuukausierä 28,43 €, Maksuaika 12 kk, Luottosumma 274,00 €, Vuosikorko 0,00 %, Käsittelymaksu 0,00 €, Tod. vuosikorko 23,42 %.
Conceived with the aim to provide lateral engine guards to different types of motorcycles. Should a motorcycle fall whilst located on its stand and it is equipped with an engine guard, the damage sustained by the engine would be greatly reduced. The wide range of engine guards developed and produced by GIVI includes specific solutions for good number of motorcycles in circulation. For custom motorcycles, engine guards are available in a chromed version.The characteristics of the materials used offer excellent performance, guaranteed by the long experience of the brand.Look for the section MY MOTORCYCLE to verify the compatibility of the engine guard for your motorcycle.